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What's in Your Roaster This Week?
Well, this morning into the grinder went a couple of oz of Nicaragua Dipilto - Finca La Union from SM roasted a couple of nights ago to a city+ in my new Christmas present from my wife, a new Behmor 1600.

Batch size was 8 oz
Settings were:
1 lb, P1 with cracking the door an inch for 30 sec once 1C was underway to create a longer gap between 1C and finish.
1C at 12:25
finish at 14.55

Although not as complex as Jkols Kenya Nyeri Kagumo-ini from the holiday swap but reminded me of it with it's chocolate and cherry notes and very nice wine-like acidity. This is an awesome coffee!

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I would be roasting a bunch of Tanzania Peaberry and washed Sidamo if I could get my darn roaster runnin! ha! smile A few gallons of green Yogi tea in the morn should tide me over til then.
Army Coffee
First Weekend Roasting with my Gene Cafe and it was a great one!

This weeks coffee is roasted and resting nicely in the Cabinet. They include 1 pound of the following:
1. Ethiopia, Illubador ? Camp Cooperative
2. Panama (hard bean)
3. Brazil (Natural)
4. Bolivia Beneficio Buenaventura Lot 45

All are roasted to Full City / Full City +. That should get us through Next Tuesday...What a great first experience with my GC!

North TJ-072 2kg Roaster, Hottop 8828B, Gene Cafe Roaster, Baratza Vario Grinder, Breville SmartGrinder, Behmor Brazen, Cona "D", Bialetti Moka Express, Aero-Press, Quick Mill QM67
Army Coffee
Second Week of Roasting with My Gene Cafe. Roasted 3 Pounds for the week... Hope it is enough as I roasted 4 pounds Last week and I have about 2-3 Days of Supply Remaining. We will see how long it lasts. Preheated the Gene Cafe and ran all roasts with a 4:00 drying at the start at 350 degrees. This Weeks Roasts:

1. Mexico, Turquesa. Pulled it out on a little sooner than I normally do and I estimate it was close to the 2nd Crack. Color has it between City+ and Full City. Pulled it at 16:15. Very nice roast.

2. Java, Java Estates. Brought this to Full City - Full City + with a roast that I pulled at 16:00 as the 2nd Crack started. Smells and looks great.

3. Zimbabwe, AA+ Estate Salimba. Again, roasted to Full City - Full City +. Took a little longer to get to the 2nd Crack and pulled it at 17:00 as the 2nd Crack started. Nice bean that required a little more cleaning then others to remove chaff that stuck to it. Swirling it around in the metal collander did the trick fairly easily.

All in all, it was another great experience with my Gene Cafe. Lasts weeks roasts tasted great after 2-Days of rest, but I did notice that the taste improved on day 3 and 4. Might have to do an additional pound mid week to ensure I have enough coffee to drink and at the same time allow the newest roasts to have adequate rest.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend of roasting?
Edited by Army Coffee on 02/19/2012 6:49 PM

North TJ-072 2kg Roaster, Hottop 8828B, Gene Cafe Roaster, Baratza Vario Grinder, Breville SmartGrinder, Behmor Brazen, Cona "D", Bialetti Moka Express, Aero-Press, Quick Mill QM67
Koffee Kosmo
A few days ago
I did a pre roast blend of
670 grams of Sulawesi Torago Jaya
30 grams of Monsooned Robusta

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I have to get back to my trailer and roast Dos Payasos de Tolima for the gang here at work. I have about a days worth here at work. Hate to see anyone hurt if I run short...
Maysore Nuggets, to a full city and day 3 they are best yet.


used my Hot Top on auto.
Koffee Kosmo
Just a few days ago I roasted on the KKTO

800 grams of Peru Ceja De Selva Estate
800 grams of Brazil Datera Bourbon Mocha

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
coffee queen
Burundi Prestige Cup #8 - Ngogomo

that my sister sent to me because she love me!

Just roasted some SM Monkey blend and some Columbia (don't remember the exact origin). 4# total
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
cooked up .5lb of some peruvian of unknown origin I got from my local roaster a couple days ago and it was great, almost gone, yesterday did .5lb of ethiopan harrar from the same supplier. Will get my first taste of that tomorrow morning. I don't have to go to work until late tomorrow, so I am looking forward to a nice relaxing breakfast and several cups of that to start my day right.
Yesterday I tried something new. I did a slow finish.

HotTop B-2.
Zimbabwe beans from my local roaster.

Heat at 100%
Drop beans at 375 .. timer at 20.40.
Fan 25% for 30 seconds 3 times .. 20:00, 18:30, 17:30
@ 16:10 beans are dry and drop heat to 50% & fan on at 25%
At 13:00 raise heat to 80% BMT at 370
At 11:30 1C .. lower heat back to 50%

SLOWLY continued until eject at 7:15 BMT 440

So, this is the FIRST time I have had the 3 sections of the roast equal.
4 1/2 minutes to dry, to 1C, and to eject.

I will try it tomorrow.

Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
Koffee Kosmo
Roasting on the KKTO and posting via the iPad

600 grams of Guatamala Antigua Los Volcaneos
It's the 100% genuine stuff

Roasted a secret special blend

This blend has a Yemen, PNG, Costa Rica and Ethiopian

The secret is in the prep
1) All beans were separately stabilized in low heat
2) Beans were roasted together but not pre blended
3 The roast was a stagard bean drop
The hard dry grown beans were started first
First the Ethiopian followed by the Yemen 30 seconds later
They were followed 45 seconds later by the Costa Rica SHB and another 45 seconds later for the PNG

Total green bean weight was 900 grams

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
SM Aged Sumatra from '07 crop.
Still resting. It looked brown before I started the roast. 1st time with this.
Went to 2C.

Ken in NC
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".

mysore nuggets city plus, plus roast.

got them bean from Chad last year. they are great.

this bean will take a huge range of roasts that develop yet another wide range
of flavors.

if you can pick them out. I cannot always pick out the distinct peach, butternut or whatever the bean may send out...

I know I love the flavors of my FRESH ROASTED.


The last 3 days:

Nicaragua Acopio Suyatal
El Salvador Finca Siberia Bourbon
Sumatra Pak Lintong Joner

Recently did some Ethiopian Sidama Deri Kochoha which proved to be a great SO espresso and a Rwandan Jomba Vunga which was also a nice full bodied cup.
Koffee Kosmo
I have purchased 5 kg of Sumatra Wahana Natural

Have roasted my first lot just the other day
It's smells of fermented wine but tastes quite nice @ 5 days post roast

Still needs a a few more days rest

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Burundi Auction Lot - Kayanza Bwayi I got last year. GREAT stuff.

am so glad I got 10 pounds of this. I love the Burundi's.


ah ginny, I'm so jealous you have a stash of Burundi. I had a Kirinzi Maruri Hill in the summer and it was fantabulous. I would pay big $$ for more of that.

For my taste buds, just at first pop into SC was perfect. Gave some to my neighbor at his July 4 bbq and the next day he is spending a small fortune buying a roaster, beans, et. al.! I was thrilled to have another convert, but I was more sad (really sad) when I could not find any more. I waited too long, I reckon. urgh....but hey, that's the reason we keep on roasting, I s'pose Grin

something else will take its place.... I hope it's the El Salvador Finca Siberia Bourbon or the Sumatra Lake Toba #19 screen I roasted today...only resting time will tell

BBQ grill
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press

yeah the Burundi is a fabulous coffee. If I find more I will send you some.
I am going into my basement in the morning to check my coffee stash.

how much coffee do you keep on hand?

sounds like you and I like about the same roast. you really have sent your neighbor on an endless journey...


ginny, so sorry for my delay. work took way too much control of my free time last week. thank you for the nice Burundi thoughts ...

re my stash: I have about 13 pounds on hand today, and that's a kind of high point. I get nervous with 4-5 pounds left, but since my source is SM, and I'm only 2 days away (Las Vegas), I can be a little sloppy / lazy. Also, I cannot simply window shop, so when I hit the website, I'm gonna order....and I gotta keep a handle on the spend too :-) I don't let beans age too many months - 6 max, well, mostly, roflol.

what about your basement shelves?

ps my El Salvador was very, very nice. I'm gonna try to repeat that. I'm happy to have another pound on hand and may order another couple.

Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
Koffee Kosmo
Did a lovely easy roast on the KKTO afew days back

600 gr of Columbian Andes Santa Rita
I am not exaggerating when I say that this bean is as good as any COE

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I'm not usually much for Brazil, or many SA origins, but I just roasted 1/2 pound of Brasil Fazenda. I am extremely pleased with this one. Took it to Full City just at this side of SC. I don't usually do that so well, but wowThumbsUp. The garage smells like chocolate. I hope the flavors prove me out on this one. I
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
I've been roasting 8 oz batches of Mexico Altura Chiapas El Triunfo Organic, Fair Trade to a Full City+ (nice sheen) with great success. It's great on its own but I also blend 50-50 with Sumatra Mandheling GR1 DP OFT for scrumptious brew.
Ed's Home Roast tm
Gene Cafe Roaster>KitchenAid ProLine Grinder>Technivorm Moccamaster
from Sweet Mari last week a:

Nicaragua Maragogype Finca Los Angeles

BIG bean, roasted to full city, which for this bean is toward the very last of 1st crack.

beautiful smooth bean, even roast and this morning the cafe crema was WONDERFUL.

notes say it maks a great SO espresso, all mine do!


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