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What's in Your Roaster This Week?
Nothing is in the roaster. Zip, nada, nichts.

Taxes to do and trying to catch up on work. Daughters coming home on Maundy Thursday so won't be roasting next week either. The Gene gets a rest.

Look out Alterra's, be seeing you this week:

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
John Despres


smatty1 wrote:


John Despres wrote:
Ooooh, that Oriente D-P is a stunning cup of coffee! Fruity, very full body.

Take it to FC - FC+ and you'll be delighted! And if you're not, send the rest to me and I'll be delighted. One of us should be, anyway.

I think I'll roast some of that as well...

I was gonna use RPjd for this onesmile
Would you stick with that or do you recommend a modification to the profile?

Hmmmm.... I don't remember what the profile is, but if you want to do a warm up, of 3 or 5 minutes at 300, go straight to 476F from there. It's graded SHB, so pour on the heat. Drop maybe 30 seconds into first to 455F to end of first and then try dropping to 445F to end of roast. I think the beans will gain enough momentum to continue right on to second by about 16:30-17:00 if you're not careful. First might come about 12:30. End the roast about 3 minutes after 1st ends.

Wait a couple days, enjoy!

Let us kno how it goes.

Have fun, John.
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
John Despres


Commercial coffee for a couple weeks?:|

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.


John Despres wrote:


smatty1 wrote:


John Despres wrote:
Ooooh, that Oriente D-P is a stunning cup of coffee! Fruity, very full body.

Take it to FC - FC+ and you'll be delighted! And if you're not, send the rest to me and I'll be delighted. One of us should be, anyway.

I think I'll roast some of that as well...

I was gonna use RPjd for this onesmile
Would you stick with that or do you recommend a modification to the profile?

Hmmmm.... I don't remember what the profile is, but if you want to do a warm up, of 3 or 5 minutes at 300, go straight to 476F from there. It's graded SHB, so pour on the heat. Drop maybe 30 seconds into first to 455F to end of first and then try dropping to 445F to end of roast. I think the beans will gain enough momentum to continue right on to second by about 16:30-17:00 if you're not careful. First might come about 12:30. End the roast about 3 minutes after 1st ends.

Wait a couple days, enjoy!

Let us kno how it goes.

Have fun, John.

RPjd is 300 for 5/ 476 til 1st crack/ 450 a min in to C1/ Drum cool for 2 mins and external cool.
Do you think that slight mod will make a difference or should I stick with RPjd?smile


smatty1 wrote:


John Despres wrote:


smatty1 wrote:


John Despres wrote:
Ooooh, that Oriente D-P is a stunning cup of coffee! Fruity, very full body.

Take it to FC - FC+ and you'll be delighted! And if you're not, send the rest to me and I'll be delighted. One of us should be, anyway.

I think I'll roast some of that as well...

I was gonna use RPjd for this onesmile
Would you stick with that or do you recommend a modification to the profile?

Hmmmm.... I don't remember what the profile is, but if you want to do a warm up, of 3 or 5 minutes at 300, go straight to 476F from there. It's graded SHB, so pour on the heat. Drop maybe 30 seconds into first to 455F to end of first and then try dropping to 445F to end of roast. I think the beans will gain enough momentum to continue right on to second by about 16:30-17:00 if you're not careful. First might come about 12:30. End the roast about 3 minutes after 1st ends.

Wait a couple days, enjoy!

Let us kno how it goes.

Have fun, John.

RPjd is 300 for 5/ 476 til 1st crack/ 450 a min in to C1/ Drum cool for 2 mins and external cool.
Do you think that slight mod will make a difference or should I stick with RPjd?smile

I stuck with the original RP from last time:
C1 was about 20 secs later.
Emergency stopped and pulled for external cool @ 13.8 (counting down from 30) and it was into C2:(.....not exactly what I wanted. Way darker than I wanted them. Not oily yet, but they definately have a sheen and will be quite oily in a couple of days. Here is a pic. Not too happy about these, but they may be awesome in 2 days so we'll see....
My mistake was not having the cooling stuff set up in time. As I was getting it ready it was sneaking into C2. It tricked me. I should have been paying closer attention.
smatty1 attached the following image:

Edited by smatty1 on 04/05/2009 4:17 PM
John Despres
That's not a bad looking roast. A slight sheen is OK, I think. I do believe it will be a very good cup, though.

I'll roast some of the same bean this evening and see what I get.

I'm fortunate as I have my roastery all set up with nothing to arrange except getting beans, logs out and so on. Once I start the heat, I'm able to focus fully on the roast.

I thought second would come about 16:30 or so. Our roasters are fairly close, but I'm guessing yours may heat up a bit faster than mine. One clue second is close is smoke from the chaff collector.

I have a caveat, though. I have a new heating element and it heats up faster than before, so I'm sort of starting over with it. I'll keep you posted.


Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.


That's not a bad looking roast. A slight sheen is OK, I think. I do believe it will be a very good cup, though.

It *is* technically FC+ I guess...I just usually avoid 2nd crack and it snuck up so fast...a little frustrating, especially on a bean that I was sooo excited to roast and wanted to get "right"....I'm sure it wont sucksmile ....I'm tempted to roast it again ....and stop before it gets to C2. If only I had nothing to do but sit around and roast and drink coffee......


smatty1 wrote:


That's not a bad looking roast. A slight sheen is OK, I think. I do believe it will be a very good cup, though.

It *is* technically FC+ I guess...I just usually avoid 2nd crack and it snuck up so fast...a little frustrating, especially on a bean that I was sooo excited to roast and wanted to get "right"....I'm sure it wont sucksmile ....I'm tempted to roast it again ....and stop before it gets to C2. If only I had nothing to do but sit around and roast and drink coffee......

Edited by smatty1 on 04/07/2009 6:50 AM


John Despres wrote:


Commercial coffee for a couple weeks?:|


I grabbed some Sumatran Gayo (stellar), a Sulawesi, and an espresso (I have had from the Silvia before and it is excellent) from a local roaster, Alterra. They have an excellent cupping team.


Edited by BoldJava on 04/07/2009 7:46 AM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Indian Monsooned Malabar. I think this roast was right on the money! Hope it tastes as good.
Tomorrow? Fresh Konas for my daughter to take back to MN. 6 lbs of this years crop from A'ama Farm came this afternoon.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Koffee Kosmo
A few of days ago I roasted a lovely South American Bean

Nicaragua Ramacafe Fine Estate RFA

Today's roast is yet to be determined as I am spoilt for choice I have over 20 SO,s to choose from
Decisions Decisions

Edit - this is what I chose
As its Easter time
I decided to do a back to back roast & roasted

500 gr of Honduras La Central SHG (first time I have roasted this bean)
500 gr of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

All roasted superbly

Edited by Koffee Kosmo on 04/11/2009 7:21 AM
I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
I will also be doing my Easter roast today. I am not sure what I will be roasting, but my choice wull include a pound which I will take with me as a gift to the family that invited me over for Easter dinner. Because o some "good news" I received this week I will roast 1/2 pound of the Panama Gesha -- my more expensive one. I am afraid of roasting it because of the price I paid for the coffee. I will post later and let everyone know what coffees I have chosen to celebrate Easter(Spring Equinox). Grin
May the Force be with your cup
Phase I of my Easter roast os complete. 1/2# of each: Panama Gesha Lot 5, Rwanda Bourbon,and Chad's Ethopian for blueberries. Still to go, 1/2 # of Guatemalan Antigua Pastoral BIG CHOCOLATE.

On Easter morning I will make a cup of blueberry cobbler/chocolate bar . I won't have to buy any other Easter candy Grin

I will take a pound to my friends who invited me over for Easter Dinner
May the Force be with your cup
Bolivian FTO. FC roast. Smells pretty goodsmile
Ethiopian sidamo, really sweet

Jim Lyon
Jim's Coffee Beans
I just dehydrated 2 pounds of Bolivian for 12 minutes in my would-be new roaster. Still work to do.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover


seedlings wrote:
I just dehydrated 2 pounds of Bolivian for 12 minutes in my would-be new roaster. Still work to do.


ouch! Maybe you should buy some of that goo goo muck from SMsmile
Just roasted a 1/2 pound each of Yemen Mokha Sharasi and Java Kajumas Curah Tatal. The Yemen about 15 seconds into second and the Java about 20 seconds shy of second. Gotta let it rest until Monday, at least. I've got a half pound of each left, so it's time to start planning on more.
"We all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."
Niels Bohr - Quantum Physicist speaking to a colleague
^ Braz Cup of Excellence, #11, fresh in from Mercanta http://www.cupofe...fault.aspx
^ Braz from friend
^ Timor Maubisse, finally, 3 roasts levels for learning/cupping practice later this week
^ Timor Maubisse, Vienna level for practice/blending with Yemen
^ Yemen Harasi
^ Bolivian Cafe Yolanda, national table winner http://www.invals...1fc65e7b17

Tues - early disappearing act from office (for Sat cupping)
^ 3 Hula Daddy Konas: DP, pulp natural and #1WP
^ 2 Rusty Farm's Ka'u: WP and pulp natural
^ 1 A'ama Org Kona

Should hold me a while.

Edited by BoldJava on 04/19/2009 1:22 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Colombia Coe 2009 samples. Almost there....
Great way to nail down profiles for consistent sample roasting...

Oy--only 4 of 27 to go.
Mysore nuggets! Loved em the 1st time. They smell even better this time. Cant wait!smile
Just picked up 10# each of the Brazil Moreninha Formosa and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Koke as well as 5# of the Harrar Ayinage. Roasted a 1/4 lb. of each Friday evening for cupping this morning. I'm not yet particularly good at traditional cupping language, but the Brazil had a nice body with chocolate and nut notes. Seems like it will be a good espresso base and a pretty decent SO espresso in its own right. The Harrar is chock full of berry notes. To me the dry fragance had strong strawberry notes, and in the cup it was strawberry/raspberry fading into blueberry as it cooled. Also chocolate. The Yirgacheffe was all chocolate and nuts with a little stone fruit and citrus thrown in for good measure and a creamy mouth feel. Seems like 50% Brazil, 25% Yirg and 25% Sumatra might make a nice espresso blend. So, I'll be roasting that this week. I'm also planning on doing 1/2# of the Ipanema Tree Dried as an SO espresso. Trying not to get too far ahead of myself, or I'll have stale roast.
"We all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."
Niels Bohr - Quantum Physicist speaking to a colleague
Sounds like you visited the Stubbie Brazilian tree. It is superb in espresso blends. Bean works beautifully.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI


BoldJava wrote:
Sounds like you visited the Stubbie Brazilian tree. It is superb in espresso blends. Bean works beautifully.


Indeed I did. A comment that JonR made on a CG thread steered me in that direction. Now I want to get some of the SM Raisin Dried version of the same and compare them.

I'm torn between blending this with the Yirg and some Sumatra or using a Central instead of the Yirg. I've got some of that Costa Rica Herbazu Red Honey that it might set off nicely.
"We all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."
Niels Bohr - Quantum Physicist speaking to a colleague
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