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Ethiopia Anfilo -Shebel Fana Cooperative

Sweet Maria box arrived with multiple bags for me one the above coffee.

Roasted yesterday, the facts:

Roaster: Hot Top KN8828B-2

Greens: 266 grams

Dropped: 356? temp dropped to 206?

1st crack: 379?

Rolling 1st: 390?

Dumped: 410? with an almost perfect Full City

30 min after: 1 cafe crema using Saeco super auto

One word: AWESOME

Thom mentioned some stone fruit (I got apricots/cherries) and pomelo which I picked up from the cup right away and I clearly hope those continue through the resting period but it will be a short rest.

The African's have always been my favorite coffees and this holds up the continued high standard of Sweet Maria in providing the best around.

Thom's cupping scores are below:

ginny attached the following image:
ginny, thanks for sharing. I'm playing with some SM Ethiopians myself, trying to maximize the berriness, yet again, and always.

Your "AWESOME" makes me ask: looks like you did not lower the heat during 1st crack. Is that your normal MO? If not, what influences your decision to lower the heat?

thanks for your philosophy
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press

I almost lowered the temp but decided not to, gave it more fan to cool down a bit and just ran with it to almost end of rolling 1st which was a guess at best.

Many times I fail with this attitude but the coffee is great regardless.

For me this batch was sight and smell driven. I did not want to extend the roast beyond 410, wanted to stay out of 2nd crack, dropping at 359? the temp dropped to like 206? so I was not concerned about lowering the temp at all. The beans looked beautiful and progressed evenly through the process. The beans only roasted about 8 minutes after I dropped them into the roaster and had to reach temp so another reason I did not slow it down.

Hot Top's and I have had a 12 year relationship and I just know the machine and Africans. The Africans I sent BDL aka Rich in the Christmas swap cot the same treatment and he loved them, he said!!

Africans can take a beating from roasters, skilled and unskilled alike and usually come out on top.

One of the reasons I bought this bean was Thom's comment that this particular coffee would make a great SO espresso.

I am going to roast more tomorrow and will lower the heat and we can compare notes again. Will also get more of this bean. I like it. A cafe crema this am was wonderful so I may just dump them all in the super auto right now.

You should try a bag any coffee that speaks of cherries, blueberries, red berry I buy. The massive blueberry hit from several years ago with a Harrar has yet to be again...

thanks for the comments Michelle. You will see much more straight roasting talk coming in the weeks/months ahead.

Burundi Muyinga Murago notes will be posted tomorrow.


Edited by ginny on 01/30/2014 10:36 AM
ginny, thank you thank you. Very helpful to me.

I have enjoyed many berry-filled coffees from Tom. Check out the Yemen Mokha Ismaili, I just ordered more, with the Burundi.

I am honing my ability to decide when to lower the temp and when not to lower, and have no idea how to describe that, yet. Not sure yest which way gives me the most berry flavors. This is helping me put some specifics around it. thanks

When I roasted the Yemen, I lowered the temp and went about almost 3 minutes before my gut said stop, just before 2c, for a perfect FC. I will try again not dropping and report back.

I'm finding this a bit like "coffee university" and I like it.

Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
oops, too late to edit. The stretch between the onset of 1st to my stopping was 4 minutes.
Edited by michele on 01/30/2014 10:05 AM
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press


I'm finding this a bit like "coffee university" and I like it.


Thanks, I like your comment very much and it gives me an idea, thank you...
very nice to see more women here and posting, thank you also...

The very first time I had the massive blueberry from a coffee was the Harrar and I roasted it in my old Hot Top, the analog model.

The greens were roasted to a full city plus, plus and plus, I put them in a mason jar on the back of my sink and forgot them for two weeks. The BEST most AWESOME cafe cremas I have ever had in my entire life. The place smelled like I died in a blueberry patch at harvest time.

The quest continues though truth be told so far I have never reached that again; not yet but I will.

If I find a green that reaches that experience of berry, any berry, I will surely send you a pound to try out in your roaster.



you roast in a Hot Top, yes?

if so what model. my mind is gone this morning.

ginny, cool on my idea. I can't wait to see....

nope, I roast in a red GC.

Yes, I remember the big time blueberry beans, and I'm pouring thru my notebooks to find what it was for me. I am afraid that FC+++ would obliterate anything I like, so I steer clear. Now you've got me thinking if Yemen can go that far I may try it, gritting teeth.

BTW, I used the same profile for Tom's Ethiopia DP Y.C. Konga and wow, was it ever full of strawberry! Of course he's out now, so I just ordered the Gedeo.

I'll report back when I have something to share.

Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press

When I say Full City Plus, plus and plus I mean I went into 2nd, no oily burnt beans live in my home.

That's right Red GC ...


whew. good to know. so "plus" = "pop", so about 3 into 2nd, I bet. that's about all I allow.

Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press

Yes, you are correct and I was not clear. Anything beyond pop into second usually will ruin my taste for a roast because those little stinkers continue still cook and I do not take them from the Hot Top any longer and dump them into a separate cooler.

While I have one I simply do not bother with it any longer because I only roast for myself for the most part now and 250/300 grams of coffee can cool fine in the
Hot Top after just into 2nd...

There are so many things that have control over our roasts, what's the temp where we roast, how fast do the beans cool and on into the night.

I personally have roasted in 2? and 100? plus weather going from a ranch barn to the middle of the desert to the beach and back. I simply make adjustments and honestly I have never had a big issue with my outside environment when roasting.

Rambling sorry...


John Despres
Ah, this is fun reading!

Good to see some roasting talk. In addition, the coffees of Yemen are my absolute favorite with about 10 days rest, they are just magical in the cup.

Now imma read this thread again.


Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.

appears we have the same tastes. with the GC I do have to dump to cool. wish it weren't so, but...utter failure leaving them in.

regarding maxing the berryness - every time I decide to stop at C+ because Tom's notes make it sound so flavorful, I just don't taste it. blah. so I stick to FC. but, I'll be a good student and try C+ with the Yemen, but tasting will have to wait till next weekend! as I'm away from home all week for work.

JD....I might just make myself wait that 10 days rest this time around
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
John Despres
I've made an interesting discovery. I think.

Thom gets those results in drum roasters, not air roasters. I have roasted for the past 6 years with a Gene Cafe and am now using a Quest M3. I'm getting better results with the full drum roaster - more fruit and deeper notes.

Rest the Yemen! You'll be happy you did. It's delicious at any time, but it really shines after a long rest.

As to cooling, I built an external cooler, and yes it makes a huge difference stopping the roast quickly.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.

Many, many coffees will shine like crazy after a long roast. I routinely leave mine "hidden" on the sink or in a cabinet longer than/then most real coffee roasters may suggest because I do get better flavors/tastes/tons-o-fruit after longer rests.

Ya know it's my coffee and if I want to treat it poorly I will.


back to da beach
John: very good point. Duh. I didn't think about that. I am a year or so away from a drum. ....or Maybe not smile

Saturday will be 8 days rest. Not yet sure what I will do. Lol.
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
John Despres
8 days? Perfect. Brew some tomorrow. Taste. Make notes.

Do it again the next day and so on until it's gone. Share your notes in this thread.

And have f-u-n, FUN!!

As to moving on to a drum, the GC is an awesome roaster. I moved on as I was wearing out my Genes...

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.

I am away from home for work all week, so won't be able to taste until Saturday. I am really looking forward to it. I will post my daily tasting notes for sure.

Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
ginny, John:

sincere apologies for my delay. my work/travel schedule got in the way in a big way.

My Yemen Mokha Ismaili roast/taste notes.
Jan 31 in GC:
due to a series of unfortunate events with power and a couple of questionable decisions I made, I created a most bizarre roast with a lot of uneven coloring/progression - a combination of C+ / FC and 3 dozen or more pops of FC+, way more than I ever want. So much for a C+ roast, :-)

French press prep, 4 minutes from start to pour. I drink it black.

Feb 8:
some light oiliness on some of those FC+ beans, but it's not an oily mess
open the one-way valve bag: wow, blueberry like crazy, earthy forest floor
dry grounds: berry is there, but not so prominent
wet grounds: earthy, maybe dry cocoa, some faint berry (maybe)
taste: bold bold, some hints of blueberry, but mostly intense, full, earthy/cocoa, but smooth and just wow!

Feb 9:
all aromas about the same, but the bluey-berry flavor is fading and the earthy is taking over. mouth feel is wonderful. so intense and full and deep. Very much worth the wait!

Feb 13:
no change in bean oiliness.
open the one-way valve bag: yep, wow, the blueberry is still there, and maybe cocoa / chocolate, sort of a hint of sweet earthy-something
taste: wow wow wow, the berry is still there, hiding in the back. lots of body and intense fullness, maybe wet woody. Even better than before, IMHO.

Bottom line - wow, this will be a most memorable roast for years to come! Glad I have lots more of this bean on hand. I'll try it C+ and FC and report
Gene Cafe ca. 2012 (red one!) with lots of replacement parts, Encore Baratza, Clever Dripper, Aeropress, Melitta dripper, Yama siphon, French press
Hi Michele, Glad to hear the roast turned out nice! Reading the SM writeup makes me envious. The melange comments from them sound interesting,

"With Ismaili it's fun to try a melange of 1/3 City+ roast and 2/3 FC or FC+ roast, either for drip or espresso."

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
John Despres
Heh, heh, heh.
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
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