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Ethiopean Harrar
Looking for a deep flavor of chocolate to start my day. I've been pre blending Harrar with a Bali Blue Moon, roasting in an SF 500 for nine minutes; pretty simplistic. But the results have been quite rewarding.

Okay, I'm ready to move on. Should the Harrar be roasted longer? I like the body of a chocolate flavor in the coffee but wonder if there's another blend and roast that would take me there?

I tried the traditional Mocha Java and found it pretty boring. So, someone, PLEASE, guide me. I just got five pounds each of the Harrar and the Blue Moon and have NOT mixed them. Would it be better to roast and then mix? Is nine minutes too low for the Harrar? I don't know how to measure temperatures in this roaster, so be gentle.

Probably there's no easy answers to my problem. Perhaps I should update my roaster. And of course, I could try new green beans. Too many possibilities but that seems to be part of the joy.

Open to all options as long as I head towards a bit more than a hint of chocolate.

I'm finding the blue moon requires roasting longer than the bean temp indicates for the roast level compared to pretty much every other coffee I've tried, so normally I would say experiment with both, but for this I would say it might better to roast separately and then blend it.

I also found mocca java to be a pretty disappointing blend.
Okay. thanks for the information. I'd been pre blending the Bali and the Harrar and then roasting them together. As I read, however, I see where the Harrar is a little more sensitive and probably I'm over roasting it.

Now, you say the Blue Moon needs more heat. That's a surprise, but I can give it a try. What I'm doing isn't terrible by any means, but I think there's more there than I'm getting.

So, I'll give the Blue Moon a longer roast and ease off the Harrar. More on this later.

The odd thing about Mocha Java is that I've had it at coffee houses and really liked it. But the folks serving it had no idea about how it was blended or roasted. Maybe someone else on this forum can deal with that?

Thanks again.

Remember that "Mocha Java" just means that the coffee has been shipped from the port of Mocha in Ethiopia. It has little to do with the origin or quality... Though a lot of places confuse the chocolate coffee drink with the origin.
That's true, and what I was trying to get to IS Chocolate tasting. Anything that goes "Chocolate" will please me. I like others too, but that's top of the heap in my book.
An update. You were right. I altered my roast process, doing each one separately, and the improvement is profound. I eased back on the Harrar and hit the Blue Moon pretty hard. Of course, I couldn't wait for a full gas off, but even this morning, it's a great cup of coffee.

There's more to this roasting and blending than I thought. NOW what do I do. Still looking for Chocolate!


Remember that "Mocha Java" just means that the coffee has been shipped from the port of Mocha in Ethiopia.

FYI .. Mocha is in Yemen not Ethiopia.
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
In general, lighter roasts seem to have more fruity flavors and more developed roasts (to full city +) tend to get more chocolate flavors as it progresses. Go beyond that and you start getting burnt stuff.

The south and central American varieties seem to do better for me with chocolate flavors (Guatemala, Mexican)

KKTO Roaster.
will ask Ed Needham as he roasts Blue weekly.

Ed, one of our Founders said:

Captain Coffee

Typically chocolate comes out in the Bali roasts as they just barely hit the first few snaps of second crack.

Captain Coffee

Roast, then blend. Roast five or so small samples at different times, and blind cup to see which has the most chocolate. Try this with both types of bean. Brew and blend the liquids until you get the proportions that taste best.

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