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Roasted coffee taste vegetably
Hi, so my coffee taste vehetably or burnt. I know why it taste burnt lol to
Much time in the roaster am guessing but if i dont roast it at say full city i get vegetably, i charge the hot top toaster when it beeps which is 167 degrees farehiet should i charge it when its hotter? It takes about 15 minutes to totally roast, any input is appreciated.
Is the Hot top toaster a convection oven? or Hottop roaster? I think your roast is uneven?
If you are not using a rotisserie then what can help?
Maybe a high temp silicone baking mat could even out the roast but might loose some air movement?

You can pre heat hotter but watch for tipping or scorching Once you start to get this back off on the pre heating temp.

More info on your roaster could be helpful.
Most HT usage scenarios I seen starts with 100% heat and minimal airflow until internal temp reach 200 C, then load, while keeping same power and airflow until dry end, and even further.
Can't appreciate if the above is true, right or recommended usage, but, from user comments seems to be the only way to get satisfactory results.
If this is true, this looks like an under-powered machine, imo... and someone wanting to use it "a la carte", aiming a S shaped standard profile, should load it very low, maybe even less than half of advertised capacity.
Or maybe those who wrote about that usage style didn't understood their tool.


HarryDog wrote:

Is the Hot top toaster a convection oven? or Hottop roaster? I think your roast is uneven?
If you are not using a rotisserie then what can help?
Maybe a high temp silicone baking mat could even out the roast but might loose some air movement?

You can pre heat hotter but watch for tipping or scorching Once you start to get this back off on the pre heating temp.

More info on your roaster could be helpful.

Hey Harrydog, he's using the regular Hottop drum roaster. My guess is as renatoa mentioned, not preheating sufficiently and getting too slow of a start at charge.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana


allenb wrote:


HarryDog wrote:

Is the Hot top toaster a convection oven? or Hottop roaster? I think your roast is uneven?
If you are not using a rotisserie then what can help?
Maybe a high temp silicone baking mat could even out the roast but might loose some air movement?

You can pre heat hotter but watch for tipping or scorching Once you start to get this back off on the pre heating temp.

More info on your roaster could be helpful.

Hey Harrydog, he's using the regular Hottop drum roaster. My guess is as renatoa mentioned, not preheating sufficiently and getting too slow of a st

art at charge.

hi yes it is a hotop roaster sorry for not making it clear, and you mentioned am not preheating it enough which make sense currently i dump the beans at 167 F not what that is in C i think its 75C if this is to low of a temp what would u recommend i raise it too before dumping the beans in??


HarryDog wrote:

Is the Hot top toaster a convection oven? or Hottop roaster? I think your roast is uneven?
If you are not using a rotisserie then what can help?
Maybe a high temp silicone baking mat could even out the roast but might loose some air movement?

You can pre heat hotter but watch for tipping or scorching Once you start to get this back off on the pre heating temp.

More info on your roaster could be helpful.

Sorry yes its a hotop roaster not sure what the other is you speak of, thanks for the help and any recommendations you might give me


renatoa wrote:

Most HT usage scenarios I seen starts with 100% heat and minimal airflow until internal temp reach 200 C, then load, while keeping same power and airflow until dry end, and even further.
Can't appreciate if the above is true, right or recommended usage, but, from user comments seems to be the only way to get satisfactory results.
If this is true, this looks like an under-powered machine, imo... and someone wanting to use it "a la carte", aiming a S shaped standard profile, should load it very low, maybe even less than half of advertised capacity.
Or maybe those who wrote about that usage style didn't understood their tool.

Wow so dump the beans at about 392F?? I currently dump it at 167F is this correct have i been that off? I will try it..
This temperature (167F) is way off the reality... even if Celsius instead Fahrenheit. At 167F the beans aren't even dried.
I would check first if the temperatures read are correct, with a third party thermometer.
Just a single argument: caramelization of sugars happens in the 310-338 F range...


Wow so dump the beans at about 392F?? I currently dump it at 167F is this correct have i been that off? I will try it..

Yes, this is recommended. Let us know how this affects your roasts.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Koffee Kosmo
I use the term grassy for under roasted beans
That is the region of early to mid first crack

These temps are in Celsius
Depending on the beans hard or otherwise
First crack is in the range of 195 c to 205 c
Second crack in the range of 218 c to 225c

So my analysis is that you are not reaching the end of first crack and beyond to second crack
But you are just browning the beans for colour

Please note that the roast depth is closely aligned to the brew method you use

First crack to first snaps of second crack is for Espresso machines
First crack to midway to second crack is for pour over and similar methods

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


Gigimedrano wrote:


HarryDog wrote:

Is the Hot top toaster a convection oven? or Hottop roaster? I think your roast is uneven?
If you are not using a rotisserie then what can help?
Maybe a high temp silicone baking mat could even out the roast but might loose some air movement?

You can pre heat hotter but watch for tipping or scorching Once you start to get this back off on the pre heating temp.

More info on your roaster could be helpful.

Sorry yes its a hotop roaster not sure what the other is you speak of, thanks for the help and any recommendations you might give me

Sorry, I just googled the hot top toaster in your post and thought you might be using a convection oven.

I do see that the Hottop Roaster does say the roaster will beep quite loudly at 167 F, I think this is a little low for sure.

I think we have some confusion on the "dump" terminology as well.
Does dump=charge?

Prima coffee talks about a beep at 167F but for 200g you pre heat to 380F then charge the roaster with your beans.

Maybe reading this might help?
The convection in HT roaster is not so predominant to call it a convection roaster.
Most of roast happens with lowest airflow setting.
The drum is heated by radiation by a lateral resistance as you see in the attached image.
The beans get heat from the drum by the so called contact transfer method, very little by air, which comes from the bottom and is cold.
renatoa attached the following image:
Too slow of a start gives me grassy beans, even if I take it way past the end of FC.
AeroPress, Capresso On The Go single cup drip, Moka Pot
DIY Gas Fired perforated drum using TermoPro meat probe as bean probe (very accurate), Aillio Bullet R1 V2
A morning without coffee is like a marriage without a honeymoon.
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